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Free & Easy (Xiao Yao Wan)

Free & Easy which is also called Rambling Powder is the most prescribed formula
in the USA. Why? Well, it’s a great Chinese Herbal Formula for premenstrual tension.
This might manifest as moodiness, breast distension, bloating and generally feeling
out of sorts especially the week before menses. It can be a miracle for patients who have this pattern which is called Liver Qi Stagnation usually caused by physical and/or emotional distress. Yes, this formula can be great for women but it’s good for men too. Another key indicator is tenderness under the ribcage (esp on the right), and a wiry (like a guitar string) pulse. The main herbs are bupleurum a cooling, drying herb that relaxes the Liver (actual lab results say it can detoxify the Liver), Dang Gui a warm moistening herb which nourishes the Liver & Blood & White Peony also moistens is slightly cooling & relaxes the Liver. Finally, White Atractylodes & Poria help to strengthen the digestive system & build energy. Overall, this is a well-balanced formula that can help with stress, PMS, Digestive Problems & much more.


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